This system gives a radio propagation warning on VHF and higher when conditions are good from maidenhead locator JO21. The system has been continuously running since the year 2006. All information has been stored in a database since then. Its main purpose is to signal when Sporadic E-skip radio propagation on 144 MHz occurs. The other warnings or statistical information this system produces are more a result of personal curiosity. This system is not primarily intended to be a 24/7 service for others, but it's more for me and friends to gain more understanding of radio propagation and fun working DX on VHF.
Several different sources are monitored such as the DXCluster, PSKreporter, FMLIST, Contestlogs, Beacons, iono data, magnetometers. The PSKreporter stream contains a lot of useful information. I'm still working on improving the automated interpretation of this stream as it still causes too many irrelevant alerts. At present, the following warnings are supported: E-skip on 50, 70, 100 and 144MHz. Multi-hop Es or F2 on 50MHz. Tropo on 144 and 432MHz. Aurora on 50, 70 and 144MHz.
The core of the system is a MariaDB database. This database is mainly powered by the excellent LiveMuf v7 software

G7RAU. On top of this a lot of home written software for analyses and the alert system. Alerts are send by Telegram to the group "vhf_dxalerts" and POCSAG (DAPNET) 439.9875MHz.
I stopped sending the alerts by Email and Twitter.
If you want to make use of these dxalerts this is of course possible.
Note: The best way to work DX is ALWAYS to be qrv.....